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Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?

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 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Sat 6 Apr - 12:40



Which is your favourite forum version? I personally prefer punBB because is easily editable Smile.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Wed 10 Apr - 21:50



I prefer both PunBB & PhpBB3 because you can do a lot with both but punBB you can do more with since you can edit templates and such.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Fri 12 Apr - 20:28



I always make a forum with punBB if I use Forumotion. I just prefer how easy it is to edit, as opposed to the likes of Invision.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Fri 7 Jun - 17:17



I've generally always went with PHPBB3 as I have always believed this to be more secure and powerful forum. However I have considered switching to PunBB recently due to the amount of design and stylish outlooks that you can use on the forum.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Wed 26 Jun - 10:45



That's a fair reason to switch. If I was creating a forum purely for the security, I would probably go for PHPBB3 because, as you said, it's believed to be the most secure forum of all the free ones. Like I said above though, the reason I use punBB is because of the customization and the amount of freedom you have on it.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Thu 11 Jul - 14:06



RSguideMaker wrote:That's a fair reason to switch. If I was creating a forum purely for the security, I would probably go for PHPBB3 because, as you said, it's believed to be the most secure forum of all the free ones. Like I said above though, the reason I use punBB is because of the customization and the amount of freedom you have on it.

I think in terms of Forumotion Forums I would have to go with PHPBB3 or Invision simply because the updates are done automatically with forumotion on these forums and I don't have as much worry about updates. For example the new editor really screwed a few people up on PHPBB2 and PunBB forums.

I LOVE the customization abilities with PunBB but I've since changed my mind and am now sticking purely with PHPBB3.


 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty Wed 28 Aug - 15:26



punBB, it is best for editing, and easy to use

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 Which version do you like most - phpBB2 - phpBB3 - punBB or Invision?     Empty

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