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Ask RSguideMaker

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Ask RSguideMaker Empty Sun 1 Sep - 14:16



Ask me anything you want, just nothing too personal.

#2bE HappY 

Ask RSguideMaker Empty Thu 5 Sep - 10:38

bE HappY


What is your hobby? Your favourite food and drink? How is the weather in the UK Very Happy?


Ask RSguideMaker Empty Fri 6 Sep - 1:49



bE HappY wrote:What is your hobby? Your favourite food and drink? How is the weather in the UK Very Happy?
Treble question!

Q1 - What is your hobby? My hobby is making gameplay videos for [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and coding.

Q2 - Your favourite food and drink? Hm, now that's a tough one. I'm the sort of person who loves his food! I do love a good old stir fry though. As long as the right ingredients and mixes go in, you can't go wrong! My favourite drink is limeade. I love the taste of limes anyway, and putting it into fizzy pop is the icing on the cake for me Razz. I'm a strange person, but I know what I like.

Q3 - How is the weather in the UK Very Happy? The weather throughout England has been fantastic for the past week or two. I've been up and down the country so I have fair evidence to back up my observations.

Thank you for your questions bE HappY.


Ask RSguideMaker Empty Fri 13 Sep - 22:11



How are you today ? Smile


Ask RSguideMaker Empty Mon 16 Sep - 2:33



Mr.Joker wrote:How are you today ? Smile
I am very well today thank you Mr Joker. Just a little bit tired.

Thank you for your question Mr.Joker


Ask RSguideMaker Empty Wed 18 Sep - 3:09



Did you learned HTML fully? Smile


Ask RSguideMaker Empty Wed 18 Sep - 20:02



Mr.Joker wrote:Did you learned HTML fully? Smile
Nope. Gave it a rest for a few months. I'm still learning as I go, and I don't know as much as I'd like to. I need to get back into the swing of things.

Thank you for your question Mr.Joker.

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