
All the graphics you need for your Forumotion forum

FMotionGraphics Official Rules
Welcome to FMotionGraphics. In order to make your stay as pleasant and constructive as possible please take your time to read through this document, it will help you navigate the pits and traps this community has created for new members ;) These rules can be changed without notice though normally we announce changes via announcement in all the forums.

Show Respect:
Be nice to each other. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to Administrator.

No Multiple Accounts:
Each member is allowed only one account. Multiple registrations are prohibited. If you had problems registering and you end up creating more than one account please PM a Moderator and they will assist you in getting squared away. Multiple accounts from the same IP address are not allowed. Sharing the same account is not allowed. You are responsible for your own account. Do NOT share your login password with anyone else. Excuses of your account being used / abused by someone else will not be taken into consideration, unless your account was genuinely hacked from another computer.

No warez, cracks:
No warez, cracks, serials or illegally obtained copyrighted content! Links to content of a questionable nature (e.g. anything you don't own and/or have downloaded), asking for, offering, or asking for help/helping to process such content in any way or form is not tolerated.

Private Messaging:
No advertisements can be send via PM to other members. If we catch you * you can get an permanent ban.

Bumping Topics:
No cross posting. Post your message once, to the appropriate forum and nowhere else or it will be locked or trashed without warning. Bumping Your topics is allowed every 24 hours in all sections, If you would like to add more Info Please use the *EDIT* button.
If you see a topic is few months old. Don't bump the old one just remake the topic.

Topic Title:
Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention.

Topic Title: Do not use title like "Problem", "Help me", "Help me Urgent!" or "I have a question" you must use a title related to your problem/question.

Topic Description: Please try to be clear when you ask a question, for example, if you have an error, tell us what error it is. The more info you give, the better we can answer you.

Post in the correct forum:
Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look at other topics and see where your topic should go. If your topic is placed in the wrong forum, it will be moved by a moderator.

Avatars & Signatures:
Please use something friendly. No Racial/images will be allowed.
Signatures are not allowed for normal members on this forum.