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LemakDesign Empty Sun 23 Jun - 21:03



Name of the forum: LemakDesign
Forum URL: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Type of review[Full review or only Layout]: full review
Your name on the board: ChauSy

 * forum is in Romanian , but you can translate to any other language , because you cand find on forum a script!


LemakDesign Empty Tue 25 Jun - 11:30





LemakDesign Empty Tue 25 Jun - 13:28



Our reviewers are not active.  I will look your forum and do the review. Sorry about that.


LemakDesign Empty Tue 25 Jun - 15:26



Okay! Thanks , Th1nK , i just really don't know the reviewers are not active Sad


LemakDesign Empty Thu 27 Jun - 17:23



Oh , c'mon! 2 days Neutral


LemakDesign Empty Thu 27 Jun - 18:16



I have no time so the review will be quick Smile:

LemakDesign Forum Review

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]First Impressions & Appearance
When I visit  your Forum I was redirected to your  portal which is  fresh and was designed well.I’m sure your members and visitors to the forums would enjoy and like this idea!

(Scored: 18/20)

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Site Layout
Your forum is well designed but the colour scheme is simple. I would recommend you to add more colors in the topics layout, too much white. This is a bit depressing Sad. The ranks images are very nice and stylish, the forum icons are perfect and I really love the ad table at the bottom of the forum. The navbar looks very professional and is perfect for your forum.

(Scored 15/20)

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Statistics and Activity
Well, you have 15 registered members and 489 posts which makes 32,6 posts per user. That is not so good. Try advertising your forum more, making more affiliates. There are some active members but most of the users are inactive. If you create some contests you may have more and more users. If you have time promote your forum in Forumotion.

(Scored 10/20)

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Staff Moderation

You have  1 Administrator and 1 Moderator. That is too low. Try adding some more members to the staff, it will be difficult for you to run this forum alone. Of course this is only advise. If you have 2 or 3 Moderators that will be enough to keep the forum clean.
(Scored 9/20)

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Spelling/Grammar & Professionalism
I can't tell you for that because I didn't speak your language. Sorry.

(Scored XX/20)

Total Score - 52/80

Final Remarks

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Strong Point
*Your forum design
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Things to Improve
*Your forum activity
*The staff


LemakDesign Empty Fri 28 Jun - 19:12



Hmm , thank's Th1nk for the review.
Because of the main language , i can only promote in Forumgratuit (forumotion but in romanian) . I have already a contest (two) , but they atracted only 2-3 newbies , that post on the forum rare.

Thank again , you can lock this topic.

#8Sponsored content 

LemakDesign Empty

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